Sunday, August 17, 2014

In between re-reading the New Testament (the Old is just too much action adventure for me these days, more destruction than Guardians of The Galaxy) for the infinite time today and no, I am a nun not one of these zealots who sits at Starbucks and highlights passages and tries to recruit every passer by who just wants their half non-fat, half soy, hotter than hell 120 degrees, extra-foam pagan latte. I was led by God to this blog entry by Ham (the Creationist and head of Answers in Genesis). He prostelitizes "You see, the Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe," What?!! Oh no! Eve has enough guilt already. Now she's responsible for Klingon's original sin too! I admit The Blob was a glutton but E.T. was an angel! The only thing we can do is all pray for the alien abduction of Ken Ham. He does look rather spacey, he does. But God bless you, Mr. Ham, for more material! I've been invited to perform in the JaCqI bOwE iS nOt qUiTe hErSeLfie show in September. I think I will have to be starting a Coalition for the Equal Salvation Rights Of Alternative Life Forms.That is assuming they have souls. If not, I am sure the Catholic Church would be more than happy to sell them one.

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