Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Just in from the Dumbfounded Dixie Lee!

I know you's alls out there are hipsters and this be old news to the likes of yous. But we live slower up in Weedpatch. So I's gotta comment on this Kanye Kimmie offspring-naming of theirs. Those two don't got the good sense God gave to a goose. Northwest?! Most folk name a kid after a great aunt, bird, flower or famous actress. But a direction? (Imagined lame-butt conversation) “Let's get out the book of baby names sweetheart. Too late I already logged on to mapquest.”

Sunday, August 17, 2014

In between re-reading the New Testament (the Old is just too much action adventure for me these days, more destruction than Guardians of The Galaxy) for the infinite time today and no, I am a nun not one of these zealots who sits at Starbucks and highlights passages and tries to recruit every passer by who just wants their half non-fat, half soy, hotter than hell 120 degrees, extra-foam pagan latte. I was led by God to this blog entry by Ham (the Creationist and head of Answers in Genesis). He prostelitizes "You see, the Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe," What?!! Oh no! Eve has enough guilt already. Now she's responsible for Klingon's original sin too! I admit The Blob was a glutton but E.T. was an angel! The only thing we can do is all pray for the alien abduction of Ken Ham. He does look rather spacey, he does. But God bless you, Mr. Ham, for more material! I've been invited to perform in the JaCqI bOwE iS nOt qUiTe hErSeLfie show in September. I think I will have to be starting a Coalition for the Equal Salvation Rights Of Alternative Life Forms.That is assuming they have souls. If not, I am sure the Catholic Church would be more than happy to sell them one.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

jaCqI bOwE's nOt qUiTe hErSeLfiE (and she certainly wasn't last Friday night!!!)

The pro's of procrastination. 
1. Pro-crastinators are very positive people. "No worries. We will just do it tomorrow!" Not like the fatalists. "Seize the day, there may not be a tomorrow." Pro-crastinators protest! "There's going to be a tomorrow. That's the day I'm going to do it!"
2. Pro-crastinators are mentally and physically rugged. People that don't put things off until the last minute like taxes, bill paying and eating lunch, will never know the thrill of adrenaline and sublime sleep we get after pushing ourselves to the limit.
3. Pro-crastinators are actually very industrious. I have started more projects in one day than most people finish in a lifetime.
4. Pro-crastinators never waste their limited hours on this earth doing things they would rather not.
5. Pro-crastinators will never bore you with a long list of pro's. I will finish this tomorrow.

But I will tell you now about the super silly show last Friday night at The Actor's Group Theater in Burbank. It was less slick than the former Flapper's Comedy Club with the great technical support. But I returned to my Santa Cruz nonsense-abilities of let spontainaity run where it will. And it did and the show ran amuck and the crowd roared! The next  jaCqI bOwE's nOt qUiTe hErSeLfiE will be happening in September.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's time to get blogging again! Either that or do my taxes so...blogging wins! I performed two stellar-ly received shows at Flappers Comedy Club in lovely downtown Burbank and am planning the next event for I am feeling indomitable (a new word that I learned today which means impossible to subdue, quite the adverb, or adjective if I said, "I am the indomitable Jacqi Bowe) Sorry, English major flashbacks. And I am becoming Los Angelesitable (unable to shut-up!)

"Very funny show....a must see. This gal is awesome! Kept me laughing all nite:)" Josephine 

While she's not quite herself, the self she is, is not to be missed!” Howard 

Here is a write up in a Valley paper! It would have been great if I had blogged it before the show but to be honest my publicist told me about it at a Christmas party and the shows were in September and November. Hurray for Hollywood! There's no bad or outdated press, just press. So press on the link if you are feeling indomitable!