Tuesday, July 22, 2014

jaCqI bOwE's nOt qUiTe hErSeLfiE (and she certainly wasn't last Friday night!!!)

The pro's of procrastination. 
1. Pro-crastinators are very positive people. "No worries. We will just do it tomorrow!" Not like the fatalists. "Seize the day, there may not be a tomorrow." Pro-crastinators protest! "There's going to be a tomorrow. That's the day I'm going to do it!"
2. Pro-crastinators are mentally and physically rugged. People that don't put things off until the last minute like taxes, bill paying and eating lunch, will never know the thrill of adrenaline and sublime sleep we get after pushing ourselves to the limit.
3. Pro-crastinators are actually very industrious. I have started more projects in one day than most people finish in a lifetime.
4. Pro-crastinators never waste their limited hours on this earth doing things they would rather not.
5. Pro-crastinators will never bore you with a long list of pro's. I will finish this tomorrow.

But I will tell you now about the super silly show last Friday night at The Actor's Group Theater in Burbank. It was less slick than the former Flapper's Comedy Club with the great technical support. But I returned to my Santa Cruz nonsense-abilities of let spontainaity run where it will. And it did and the show ran amuck and the crowd roared! The next  jaCqI bOwE's nOt qUiTe hErSeLfiE will be happening in September.