Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Of course I am busy writing new material for the upcoming show! Sometimes a crazy life in show biz just scripts it for you!!!

The Phone Perils of Jacqi Bowe 10/16/13- What I said: "Hello, Is your activity director in?" What THEY said: "Yes." Looooooong silence. What THEY said: Nothing. Nothing at all. Very silent. (loooooooong beat) What they finally said:" Do you want to speak with her? What I really wanted to say: "No, not particularly. Just making sure they were available. I think it's important for employees to be available. After this conversation I will be available for the funny farm. I will replay this over and over in my head to try to understand why you couldn't infer that I wanted to speak with her. Okay, a little indirect for sure but I thought it was a polite way of asking for someone. Next time I will just call and say, “Give me your activity director.” No, I can't say that either, you will take it literally and say, "I just can't give her to you. Who are you? We don't just give away our employees. "Okay, I would like to speak with your activity director. "But they could just say, “That's nice. I don't know if she wants to talk with YOU. Who are you to just say what you want? Maybe she's not available. Maybe you should start by asking if she even has time for you.” What I say now: "Time for that booking agent!" But then I'll have to call and ask if they are available!